zondag 12 oktober 2008

BIG DEAL IN HOLLAND - Lifehacking for the masses

‘Upgrade Your Life: The Lifehacker Guide to Working Smarter, Faster, Better’ by Gina Trapani was launched yesterday in a Dutch translation. Lifehacking.nl together with A.W. Bruna Uitgevers presents Trapani’s much praised lifehacking tombola of tips and trics both as a paperback (ISBN13: 9789022958858 / € 19,95) and as a free pdf-download on www.lifehacking.nl.

Lifehacking has become a big deal in the Netherlands. Leading lifehacking guru Martijn Aslander, the Dutch Jamie Oliver of e-life and cooking with an inbuilt smart-bug, has effectively evoked a charm front that is quickly changing the Dutch ‘outlook’ on the love-hate relationship with our laptops. Martijn (connector, resourcer, lead figure within Elvenstone with a wink @ Tolkien) is the founder of lifehacking.nl and the first Dutch Lifehacking Academy. His seminars on networking in the new reputation economy are entertaining eye-openers for suits and geeks alike. Earlier this year Martijn Aslander co-authored with Frank Meeuwsen, Taco Oosterkamp and Sanne Roemen a Dutch book on lifehacking: ‘100 Lifehackingtips om prettiger en efficiënter te werken’ (ISBN (EAN): 978-90-8965-009-2 (9789089650092) / € 19,90 at Van Duuren Media) ánd a free pdf-download at www.lifehacking.nl). Lifehacking hacks on! Or Dr. Phil's merry oneliner: 'I want you to get exited about your life!'.

Dutch Lifehacking guru leads the way

Martijn Aslander at a seminar on networking in the new reputation economy for the joint body of 1nP Mental Health workers on October 4th in Den Bosch, The Netherlands.

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